Biohacks are things we can do that support optimal inflammatory response, enhanced relaxation, improved sleep quality, improved brain function and improved body structure (fat to lean muscle mass rations, strength, etc).
Turmeric Forte is a curcumin-rich product where the curcumin is absorbed and utilized up to 45 times greater by your body than standard curcumin products. This is my premier herbal anti-inflammatory, and it helps improve memory, helps regulate glucose metabolism. I think every adult should be using Turmeric Forte. Call the office to have it shipped directly to you.
Laser Therapy Stem cells are becoming a mainstay treatment for chronic pain and athletic injuries. Laser therapy can be used as a biologic agent to increase stem cells and blood platelets to help manage bony and soft tissue conditions. I especially like laser therapy for those who already have osteoarthritis especially of the knee.
PEMF (Magnet Therapy) Clinical evidence lends support for PEMF. The benefits of 'Magawaving' include: it stimulates electrical changes — around and within the cell; Activates and promotes cell regeneration; can alleviate the symptoms of arthritis; improves circulation; can help relieve the symptoms of depression and it promotes bone healing.
Shockwave Therapy Research investigating the role of shockwave therapy for chronic tendon injuries such as Achilles tendon and plantar fasciitis is ongoing and positive. I like seeing the results I get helping break up scar tissue and improve range of moion with my 3 different types of shockwave machines.
SP Detox Balance This power makes a delicious shake that helps the organ system detox nice and slow on a daily basis. Sp Detox Balance will support and nourish your body so that it does its job properly — helping you increase energy, lose weight, reduce nagging and unpleasant symptoms, improve your mood, and have more vitality. This is part of my biological approach to staying the the right weight.
Bio hack number 6 is the Ideal Protein program. This is my weight loss program to help you at your ideal and proper weight. I use the ketogenic diet which has been confirmed by numerous clinical trials as a major biohack for your weight loss and healthy living program.
Bio hack number 7 is teaching my patients ELDOA exercises. These poses will create space in the spine and help you improve your posture and feel better.
In addition to all of the above, I offer other intensive programs to help my patients achieve good health and well being. Feel free to call and talk to us! 310-444-9393
1 Kopka M, Bradley JP. The Use of Biologic Agents in Athletes with Knee Injuries. JÂ Knee Surg. 2016 May 20. [Epub ahead of print]Â
2 Filardo G, Perdisa F, Roffi A, Marcacci M, Kon E. Stem cells in articular cartilage  regeneration. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research. 2016;11:42.Â
3 Yang X, Zhu TY, Wen LC, Cao YP1, Liu C, Cui YP, Meng ZC, Liu H. Intraarticular Injection of Allogenic Mesenchymal Stem Cells has a Protective Role for the  Osteoarthritis. Chin Med J (Engl). 2015 20th Sep;128(18):2516-2523. doi: 10.4103/0366-6999.164981Â