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Treating Fascial Fibrosis

Fascial fibrosis refers to the formation of excess fibrous connective tissue within the fascia, a process similar to scarring. This fibrosis is a reactive or reparative response, often resulting from trauma, surgery, diabetes, aging, or other conditions that cause damage to the fascial tissues[6]. Fascial fibrosis can alter the normal structure and function of the fascia, leading to stiffness, decreased mobility, and pain due to the disruption of normal tissue architecture and the potential entrapment of nerve pain receptors within the fibrotic tissue[1][6].

Fascial fibrosis is distinct from fascial densification, which involves an increase in the density of the fascia without altering its general structure.


Densification can be caused by factors such as diet, exercise, and overuse syndromes, leading to changes in the viscosity of the loose connective tissue within the fascia. Unlike fibrosis, densification is considered to be more easily reversible[1][4][6].


The treatment for fascial fibrosis may require more intensive treatments like TECaR, Shockwave, Laser and hands on friction massage. Densification of soft tissues is helped with TECaR, laser, shockwave, and elongation of fascia with hands on therapy and stretching. Most practitioners don't fully understand the difference between these two conditions. Appropriate treatment modalities can relieve chronic pain syndromes associated with fascial pathology[1][6].




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