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Immune System Treatments

We are learning more about our body and its natural defenses as a result of the coronavirus. People are becoming more interested in taking better care of themselves through natural and alternative therapies. As part of the body’s natural immune function, we can all appreciate the healing benefits of the lymphatic system. The lymph system, which is the body's second circulatory system, consists of a connecting network of tissues and organs that helps to deliver nutrients and filter out water, bacteria, waste products and other debris of cell metabolism.

Your body has the amazing natural ability to combat disease and heal itself. Whether it’s a fast-paced, stressed-out lifestyle, not enough good quality sleep, or poor diet choices, it’s these day-to-day lifestyles that can interfere with the lymphatic system and immune process. Stress, lack of movement, poor diet, and lack of sleep can cause stagnation and a lack of circulation for proper bodily function, resulting in susceptibility to poor health.

Causes of a slow lymph system

● High stress levels

● Poor Diet

● Getting Sick

● Surgery

● Pulmonary Hypertension

● Cancer

● Conventional Cancer Treatments

● Lack of Physical Activity

● Little Rest/Sleep

Unfortunately, unlike your veins, the lymph system is not a closed system and has no central pump like your heart, to support its cleansing. So, Lymph massage without the use of the hands, also known as PhysioTouch Lymph Drainage Therapy is fast becoming the treatment of choice. It’s a very relaxing treatment; it is vital to maintain wellness and overall good health, and it’s even used as a beauty treatment.

PhysioTouch Lymph Drainage is a specific immune lymphatic treatment which includes gentle pulling pressure and pumping with a device to remove waste from the body. This treatment is a stand-alone therapy for everyone interested in preventing illness and keeping the immune system running smooth. It is extremely beneficial for those who have swelling in the body from sports injuries, damaged or blocked vessels in the lymph system following surgery, fibromyalgia, arthritis, congestion, and post cancer treatment.

PhysioTouch Lymph Drainage is also known for its beauty benefits. It clears and brightens skin by promoting circulation which calms inflammation, reduces swelling, aids in collagen production and improves elasticity.

The following doctors offer the PhysioTouch Lymph Drainage treatment:

Dr. Jeffrey Tucker

11620 Wilshire Blvd. #710

Los Angeles, CA 90025


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