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Sports Medicine & Cannabis Creams

Dr. Jeffrey Tucker, a sports medicine chiropractor and patent holder on a cannabis cream process says, "Cannabis creams help achy joints and sore muscles be less painful. Getting old doesn't have to be the end of high quality performances."

Dr. Tucher says "Continue to train at a level of intensity where you feel pushed every now and then and stay motivated to be consistent with your workouts. Don't overdo it each and every workout, we want you to remain injury-free." Tucker finds that when an older person gets an injury it could take longer to recover and they lose ground in their training. Tucker recommends cannabis creams to patients for sore joints and muscles.

By the time we are forty Tucker feels we should know our exercise capacity, in other words, the mileage you walk or run without and injury, or the amount of weight you can lift without needing extra recovery days. Tucker also suggests men get their testosterone checked at age 30 so they can have a baseline for later in life. We can offer men natural supplements to help boost testosterone if they need it later in life. Estrogen dips dramatically after menopause but estrogen has a number of positive effects on workout performance, including boosting cardiac output (amount of blood pumped from the heart per minute) and a preservation of bone density. Tucker notes that he has patients that use testosterone and estrogen with cannabis creams. Female athletes who don't opt for postmenopausal estrogen-replacement therapy might suffer from weaker cardiac action, a higher incidence of stress fractures and greater overall rates of injury, all of which could downgrade performance and aerobic capacity by making consistent training more difficult. Estrogen-replacement therapy should be considered and women can determine how estrogen influences their performances over time.

Tuker encourages exercise intensity and says it is a greater producer of fitness than mileage. Therefore increasing the intensity and recovery and cutting back on the miels is the way to go! It's easy to do! Here's an example:

-Running six times a week for a total of 30 miles with 3 miles at a fast pace, can be changed to,

-Running five days a week for 25 miles with 4 miles at a fast pace.

The extra day recovery and less miles will decrease the risk of injury but increasing pace for an extra mile improves V02max, running economy, and competitive performances.

The idea of adding in more recovery seems to fit well with older athletes' training needs. Tucker is a big advocate of cross training (swimming, walking, running, cycling, step machines, and weight training) and says his favorite exercises these days are isometrics and the Turkish Get Up. Everyone agrees that strength training is important for people over the age of 50 — when atrophy (wasting) of muscle and skeletal tissue begins to become a problem.

Final note: ALWAYS consult your doctor before embarking on a program of cannbis and strenuous exercise.


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